Friday, October 14, 2011

Ya Gotta love Swag....

This week we received our final trip documents along with their version of swag - you  know, the stuff you didn't really ask for but love to get because it's FREE.  Because some of the areas we're visiting are not too friendly to a big jet, we'll be traveling on small planes that need small luggage.  The tour company's solution to this dilemma is to send you their 'approved' luggage for these stops.  It's actually not bad (although it's another piece of BLACK luggage that looks like every other piece of BLACK luggage on the airport conveyor belt) and helps define the amount of clothes and other various items we can take with us.

The other swag was more swag in the true sense of the word - sample sizes of bug repellent, hand wipes, sunscreen, ear plugs, a flashlight (hmmm, this one concerns me a little) and an alarm clock.  It also clues me into what I need to go buy in larger sizes to make the trip a little more comfortable.

The final documentation lists the daily activities, a little bit about each location and lists of participants.  Glancing through the list of our fellow travelers we discovered an Ambassador (yep, the type you make major donations to a President to buy yourself an extended vacation in a foreign, hopefully friendly, locale).  Somehow I don't think anyone will get very excited if they happen to Google check the Maloneys!

Next: Time to pack

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